
Private Higher Education Medians

2023 * 2022 2021 2020 2019
Statement of Financial Position ($000)
Cash & Short-Term Investments 14,063 18,193 19,136 15,313 12,758
Total Assets 343,608 320,737 328,483 282,381 284,864
Total Debt 68,432 65,580 60,978 61,562 60,399
Total Liabilities 91,734 91,625 87,457 85,387 84,131
Net Assets Without Donor Restrictions 115,085 110,837 114,345 99,212 98,803
Total Net Assets 243,586 228,405 234,558 199,690 200,328
Statement of Activities ($000)
Net Tuition Rev 50,719 48,886 48,731 49,663 48,516
Total Operating Exp 91,116 86,673 77,877 81,178 82,903
Net Operating Income -1,668 273 2,153 2 87
Revenue Over Expenses -2,241 -3,262 7,982 -962 32
Unrestricted Resources to Operations % 47.54 50.72 54.84 38.67 37.59
Unrestricted Resources to Debt % 67.30 73.57 74.03 50.97 52.71
Expendable Resources to Operations % 99.79 98.77 118.73 78.38 76.95
Expendable Resources to Debt % 141.08 142.79 166.72 111.04 120.37
Average Age of Plant 16.54 16.11 15.65 15.14 14.81
Long-Term Debt (Net) / Capitalization % 34.2 35.6 33.6 38.2 36.5
Total Debt / Capitalization % 37.57 38.05 36.59 41.56 40.21
Current Debt Service Cov 1.46 1.15 3.87 1.65 1.84
Financial Condition
EBIDA Margin % 8.32 5.77 19.51 9.11 10.11
Operating Margin % -2.29 0.32 2.87 0.00 0.13
Profit Margin % 0.62 -2.35 14.91 -0.70 0.99
Undergraduate Headcount 2,106 2,081 2,059 2,128 2,171
Total Headcount 2,537 2,536 2,560 2,606 2,580
Total Full-Time Equivalent Students 2,270 2,256 2,253 2,243 2,295
Tuition: Resident 41,206 40,000 38,880 38,140 36,750
Tuition Dependence % 55.57 55.40 58.64 61.76 60.60
Statement of Financial Position ($000)
Cash & Short-Term Investments
2023 * 14,063
2022 18,193
2021 19,136
2020 15,313
2019 12,758
Total Assets
2023 * 343,608
2022 320,737
2021 328,483
2020 282,381
2019 284,864
Total Debt
2023 * 68,432
2022 65,580
2021 60,978
2020 61,562
2019 60,399
Total Liabilities
2023 * 91,734
2022 91,625
2021 87,457
2020 85,387
2019 84,131
Net Assets Without Donor Restrictions
2023 * 115,085
2022 110,837
2021 114,345
2020 99,212
2019 98,803
Total Net Assets
2023 * 243,586
2022 228,405
2021 234,558
2020 199,690
2019 200,328
Statement of Activities ($000)
Net Tuition Rev
2023 * 50,719
2022 48,886
2021 48,731
2020 49,663
2019 48,516
Total Operating Exp
2023 * 91,116
2022 86,673
2021 77,877
2020 81,178
2019 82,903
Net Operating Income
2023 * -1,668
2022 273
2021 2,153
2020 2
2019 87
Revenue Over Expenses
2023 * -2,241
2022 -3,262
2021 7,982
2020 -962
2019 32
Unrestricted Resources to Operations %
2023 * 47.54
2022 50.72
2021 54.84
2020 38.67
2019 37.59
Unrestricted Resources to Debt %
2023 * 67.30
2022 73.57
2021 74.03
2020 50.97
2019 52.71
Expendable Resources to Operations %
2023 * 99.79
2022 98.77
2021 118.73
2020 78.38
2019 76.95
Expendable Resources to Debt %
2023 * 141.08
2022 142.79
2021 166.72
2020 111.04
2019 120.37
Average Age of Plant
2023 * 16.54
2022 16.11
2021 15.65
2020 15.14
2019 14.81
Long-Term Debt (Net) / Capitalization %
2023 * 34.2
2022 35.6
2021 33.6
2020 38.2
2019 36.5
Total Debt / Capitalization %
2023 * 37.57
2022 38.05
2021 36.59
2020 41.56
2019 40.21
Current Debt Service Cov
2023 * 1.46
2022 1.15
2021 3.87
2020 1.65
2019 1.84
Financial Condition
EBIDA Margin %
2023 * 8.32
2022 5.77
2021 19.51
2020 9.11
2019 10.11
Operating Margin %
2023 * -2.29
2022 0.32
2021 2.87
2020 0.00
2019 0.13
Profit Margin %
2023 * 0.62
2022 -2.35
2021 14.91
2020 -0.70
2019 0.99
Undergraduate Headcount
2023 * 2,106
2022 2,081
2021 2,059
2020 2,128
2019 2,171
Total Headcount
2023 * 2,537
2022 2,536
2021 2,560
2020 2,606
2019 2,580
Total Full-Time Equivalent Students
2023 * 2,270
2022 2,256
2021 2,253
2020 2,243
2019 2,295
Tuition: Resident
2023 * 41,206
2022 40,000
2021 38,880
2020 38,140
2019 36,750
Tuition Dependence %
2023 * 55.57
2022 55.40
2021 58.64
2020 61.76
2019 60.60

* Median values are based upon the number of audits received at any given point in time. Therefore, the median values for the most recent year(s) are subject to frequent updating and may not yet accurately characterize the median values of a complete sample size.