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City Medians

2023 * 2022 2021 2020 2019
Statement of Net Position – Governmental Activities ($000)
Cash & Short-Term Investments 70,714 60,437 51,013 43,476 50,645
Total Assets 293,361 254,426 228,422 216,530 261,526
Total Debt (Gov Activities) 44,519 40,092 36,889 36,307 45,033
Total Liabilities 139,810 129,272 118,452 116,478 143,283
Unrestricted Net Assets 864 -5,223 -10,059 -13,676 -19,994
Total Net Assets 120,693 98,345 84,481 76,356 96,493
Statement of Activities – Governmental Activities ($000)
Property Tax Rev 23,531 19,736 18,696 18,113 22,386
Total Tax Rev 49,156 43,601 40,053 38,061 45,157
Total Exp 70,784 57,801 55,193 57,859 69,208
Revenue Over Expense 6,413 6,940 4,245 365 826
Days Cash on Hand 191.3 193.2 180.3 149.0 131.2
Days Cash on Hand (Gov Activities) 420.6 440.5 374.2 300.6 290.2
Current Ratio (Gov Activities) 4.44 4.44 4.43 4.74 4.53
Payment Period (Gov Activities) 75.8 80.4 73.7 69.6 67.0
Average Age of PPE (Gov Activities) 16.8 16.9 16.9 16.7 16.5
Long-Term Debt / Capitalization % (Gov Activities) 22.3 22.8 21.9 21.5 21.4
Total Direct Debt / Capitalization % (Gov Activities) 28.04 28.46 27.61 27.58 26.19
Cashflow / Total Debt % (Gov Activities) 29.7 33.2 26.9 15.6 17.2
Total Direct Debt + Net Pension & OPEB Liability (Single, Agent & Cost-Sharing) per Capita 2,778.8 2,383.2 2,518.9 2,635.8 2,639.1
Total Direct Debt + Net Pension & OPEB Liability (Single, Agent & Cost-Sharing) / Estimated Full Value % 2.1 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7
Financial Condition
Unrst Net Assets (Gov) / Tot Exp (Gov) % 1.9 -10.0 -21.2 -26.6 -31.9
Tot Fund Bal / Gen Fd Exp % 53.17 52.85 50.75 43.82 39.19
Total Tax Rev per Capita (Gov Activities) 963.7 906.6 842.1 773.3 782.4
Tax Base ($000)
Estimated Full Value 6,573,361 5,340,169 4,979,931 4,736,050 5,571,430
Total Taxable Assessed Value 3,597,690 2,857,588 2,699,706 2,641,361 3,115,284
Population 43,539 40,166 40,184 40,578 49,851
Unemployment Rate 3.4 3.3 4.7 8.4 3.3
Statement of Net Position – Governmental Activities ($000)
Cash & Short-Term Investments
2023 * 70,714
2022 60,437
2021 51,013
2020 43,476
2019 50,645
Total Assets
2023 * 293,361
2022 254,426
2021 228,422
2020 216,530
2019 261,526
Total Debt (Gov Activities)
2023 * 44,519
2022 40,092
2021 36,889
2020 36,307
2019 45,033
Total Liabilities
2023 * 139,810
2022 129,272
2021 118,452
2020 116,478
2019 143,283
Unrestricted Net Assets
2023 * 864
2022 -5,223
2021 -10,059
2020 -13,676
2019 -19,994
Total Net Assets
2023 * 120,693
2022 98,345
2021 84,481
2020 76,356
2019 96,493
Statement of Activities – Governmental Activities ($000)
Property Tax Rev
2023 * 23,531
2022 19,736
2021 18,696
2020 18,113
2019 22,386
Total Tax Rev
2023 * 49,156
2022 43,601
2021 40,053
2020 38,061
2019 45,157
Total Exp
2023 * 70,784
2022 57,801
2021 55,193
2020 57,859
2019 69,208
Revenue Over Expense
2023 * 6,413
2022 6,940
2021 4,245
2020 365
2019 826
Days Cash on Hand
2023 * 191.3
2022 193.2
2021 180.3
2020 149.0
2019 131.2
Days Cash on Hand (Gov Activities)
2023 * 420.6
2022 440.5
2021 374.2
2020 300.6
2019 290.2
Current Ratio (Gov Activities)
2023 * 4.44
2022 4.44
2021 4.43
2020 4.74
2019 4.53
Payment Period (Gov Activities)
2023 * 75.8
2022 80.4
2021 73.7
2020 69.6
2019 67.0
Average Age of PPE (Gov Activities)
2023 * 16.8
2022 16.9
2021 16.9
2020 16.7
2019 16.5
Long-Term Debt / Capitalization % (Gov Activities)
2023 * 22.3
2022 22.8
2021 21.9
2020 21.5
2019 21.4
Total Direct Debt / Capitalization % (Gov Activities)
2023 * 28.04
2022 28.46
2021 27.61
2020 27.58
2019 26.19
Cashflow / Total Debt % (Gov Activities)
2023 * 29.7
2022 33.2
2021 26.9
2020 15.6
2019 17.2
Total Direct Debt + Net Pension & OPEB Liability (Single, Agent & Cost-Sharing) per Capita
2023 * 2,778.8
2022 2,383.2
2021 2,518.9
2020 2,635.8
2019 2,639.1
Total Direct Debt + Net Pension & OPEB Liability (Single, Agent & Cost-Sharing) / Estimated Full Value %
2023 * 2.1
2022 2.1
2021 2.3
2020 2.5
2019 2.7
Financial Condition
Unrst Net Assets (Gov) / Tot Exp (Gov) %
2023 * 1.9
2022 -10.0
2021 -21.2
2020 -26.6
2019 -31.9
Tot Fund Bal / Gen Fd Exp %
2023 * 53.17
2022 52.85
2021 50.75
2020 43.82
2019 39.19
Total Tax Rev per Capita (Gov Activities)
2023 * 963.7
2022 906.6
2021 842.1
2020 773.3
2019 782.4
Tax Base ($000)
Estimated Full Value
2023 * 6,573,361
2022 5,340,169
2021 4,979,931
2020 4,736,050
2019 5,571,430
Total Taxable Assessed Value
2023 * 3,597,690
2022 2,857,588
2021 2,699,706
2020 2,641,361
2019 3,115,284
2023 * 43,539
2022 40,166
2021 40,184
2020 40,578
2019 49,851
Unemployment Rate
2023 * 3.4
2022 3.3
2021 4.7
2020 8.4
2019 3.3

* Median values are based upon the number of audits received at any given point in time. Therefore, the median values for the most recent year(s) are subject to frequent updating and may not yet accurately characterize the median values of a complete sample size.