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Retail Electric Medians

2023 * 2022 2021 2020 2019
Statement of Net Position ($000)
Cash & Short-Term Investments 15,730 13,708 12,700 11,579 10,810
Total Assets 103,906 93,331 89,208 76,119 68,653
Total Debt 15,440 14,825 13,886 11,350 9,711
Total Liabilities 34,895 30,782 27,853 23,807 20,209
Unrestricted Fund Balance 16,750 12,620 12,098 10,297 9,466
Total Fund Equity 63,868 58,266 54,259 50,208 45,650
Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position ($000)
Tot Electric Sales Op Rev 41,703 34,831 30,493 28,857 27,567
Total Operating Exp 41,263 36,036 33,201 30,194 29,039
Net Operating Income 3,404 3,357 3,141 2,671 2,401
Revenue Over Expenses 3,489 3,039 2,777 2,356 2,390
Days Cash on Hand 180.9 182.4 198.2 193.6 176.0
Current Ratio 4.03 3.91 4.03 4.04 3.89
Payment Period 62.6 66.5 65.9 66.2 63.1
Average Age Net Fixed Assets (yrs) 17.1 17.4 17.2 16.6 16.4
Long-Term Debt / Capitalization % 21.9 22.0 22.4 21.1 20.0
Total Debt / Capitalization % 24.22 24.03 24.57 23.27 22.21
Current Debt Service Cov 3.15 3.22 3.13 3.06 3.22
Cashflow / Total Debt % 29.26 28.01 29.31 30.09 33.24
Financial Condition
EBIDA Margin % 19.16 18.30 19.53 19.48 19.13
Operating Margin % 8.44 9.75 9.65 8.93 8.83
Profit Margin % 8.26 8.10 8.82 8.57 8.62
Total Electric Sales (in MWh) 454,093 431,608 407,765 397,053 344,978
Residential Customers 15,512 13,834 13,353 12,557 10,857
Total Customers 16,505 15,284 14,416 13,677 12,228
Cost to KWh 10.80 10.22 9.71 9.32 9.30
Revenues to KWh 11.637 11.334 10.747 10.220 10.238
Statement of Net Position ($000)
Cash & Short-Term Investments
2023 * 15,730
2022 13,708
2021 12,700
2020 11,579
2019 10,810
Total Assets
2023 * 103,906
2022 93,331
2021 89,208
2020 76,119
2019 68,653
Total Debt
2023 * 15,440
2022 14,825
2021 13,886
2020 11,350
2019 9,711
Total Liabilities
2023 * 34,895
2022 30,782
2021 27,853
2020 23,807
2019 20,209
Unrestricted Fund Balance
2023 * 16,750
2022 12,620
2021 12,098
2020 10,297
2019 9,466
Total Fund Equity
2023 * 63,868
2022 58,266
2021 54,259
2020 50,208
2019 45,650
Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position ($000)
Tot Electric Sales Op Rev
2023 * 41,703
2022 34,831
2021 30,493
2020 28,857
2019 27,567
Total Operating Exp
2023 * 41,263
2022 36,036
2021 33,201
2020 30,194
2019 29,039
Net Operating Income
2023 * 3,404
2022 3,357
2021 3,141
2020 2,671
2019 2,401
Revenue Over Expenses
2023 * 3,489
2022 3,039
2021 2,777
2020 2,356
2019 2,390
Days Cash on Hand
2023 * 180.9
2022 182.4
2021 198.2
2020 193.6
2019 176.0
Current Ratio
2023 * 4.03
2022 3.91
2021 4.03
2020 4.04
2019 3.89
Payment Period
2023 * 62.6
2022 66.5
2021 65.9
2020 66.2
2019 63.1
Average Age Net Fixed Assets (yrs)
2023 * 17.1
2022 17.4
2021 17.2
2020 16.6
2019 16.4
Long-Term Debt / Capitalization %
2023 * 21.9
2022 22.0
2021 22.4
2020 21.1
2019 20.0
Total Debt / Capitalization %
2023 * 24.22
2022 24.03
2021 24.57
2020 23.27
2019 22.21
Current Debt Service Cov
2023 * 3.15
2022 3.22
2021 3.13
2020 3.06
2019 3.22
Cashflow / Total Debt %
2023 * 29.26
2022 28.01
2021 29.31
2020 30.09
2019 33.24
Financial Condition
EBIDA Margin %
2023 * 19.16
2022 18.30
2021 19.53
2020 19.48
2019 19.13
Operating Margin %
2023 * 8.44
2022 9.75
2021 9.65
2020 8.93
2019 8.83
Profit Margin %
2023 * 8.26
2022 8.10
2021 8.82
2020 8.57
2019 8.62
Total Electric Sales (in MWh)
2023 * 454,093
2022 431,608
2021 407,765
2020 397,053
2019 344,978
Residential Customers
2023 * 15,512
2022 13,834
2021 13,353
2020 12,557
2019 10,857
Total Customers
2023 * 16,505
2022 15,284
2021 14,416
2020 13,677
2019 12,228
Cost to KWh
2023 * 10.80
2022 10.22
2021 9.71
2020 9.32
2019 9.30
Revenues to KWh
2023 * 11.637
2022 11.334
2021 10.747
2020 10.220
2019 10.238

* Median values are based upon the number of audits received at any given point in time. Therefore, the median values for the most recent year(s) are subject to frequent updating and may not yet accurately characterize the median values of a complete sample size.